Saturday, May 16, 2020

Stats: Power and The Virus

One of life's great problems is the infusion of high-minded purpose and values into the insensate. Blind and cold elements can be given grand motives. So the calculating, predatory, hungry stare of a house cat becomes coy love. History marches in an evolving, directed improvement. Scorpios are sullen.

This is similar to giving a hurricane the personality of a storm god.

So Capitalism will be evaluated in the future as to how it responded to The Virus. But it has no such function any more than a car is responsible in a hit-and-run. Capitalism is a means for the most efficient delivery of a product or service to a consumer. Period. It is not a philosophy, it is a technique. It is not a rule, it is an evolutionary process. It is not run by Capitalists, it is run by consumers. It is practiced by Capitalists.

Virtue is not involved; it is outside the system. Virtue, present or absent, is applied, or not, voluntarily by the individual. On his own for his own reasons. The burden of virtue, like it or not, is, as always, upon the individual. 

The institutionalization of virtue is called religion.

                             Stats: Power and The Virus

Infographic - The Countries With The Most COVID-19 Cases

Infographic - Brazil's Spiralling COVID-19 Crisis

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