Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Question 41

Question 41

The Republicans are suggesting that Kamala Harris might be the nominee for the Supreme Court vacancy. A genius strategy. 

The NYT said it paid a price in the low seven figures for Wordle. The game will move from its current website to the New York Times site and apps.

Good line from Oakeshott: Thus, governing is recognized as a specific and limited activity; not the management of an enterprise, but the rule of those engaged in a great diversity of self-chosen enterprises.

There's going to be a vacancy on the Supreme Court. I certainly hope we can do as well as we did with the wise Latina. But they are talking about filling it with a Black woman. We already have a Black man and several women. Why not a wise Asian?

SONIA SOTOMAYOR, U.S. SUPREME COURT ASSOCIATE JUSTICE and WISE LATINA: 'We have over 100,000 children, which we’ve never had before, in serious condition and many on ventilators.' (There were actually 3,500 admitted.) CDC Director Rochelle Walensky repeatedly refused to correct the error.
President Joe Biden said, “How about making sure that you’re vaccinated, so you do not spread the disease to anyone else,” and no public-health official blinks.
Rachel Maddow declares, “The virus stops with every vaccinated person. . . . It cannot use a vaccinated person as a host to get more people,” and no public-health official objects.
There is a weird dichotomy here. Clearly, the science is over many heads but the democracy demands a certain even-handed, anti-elitism among us all. Strangely, these guys have taken their obvious inability to understand the science and have made themselves an elite anyway. 
And a funny line: justice Sotomayor is a 67 year old overweight diabetic who participated in oral argument on Friday by phone because she was too afraid to come to court to hear the arguments in person. And her response to this is that every American–including our kids–should be compelled to get vaccinated to protect people like her.

So, modeling has been used for global warming estimates and for Covid. Covid modeling was wrong. Other models exist for many areas, including stock investing and online gambling. Now if you come up with a stock market model, you have to attach a disclaimer. Should we have similar disclaimers for other modelings?

In any case, scarcity implies competition to resolve who gets how much of which goods. If monetary competition is suppressed, other forms of competition must occur.-- universal economics

A digital pass known as the SMART Health Card is voluntary and minimal by design to protect personal information. It has a person’s name, date of birth, and the dates and brands of vaccination doses, all contained within a type of scannable bar code known as a QR code.
“This is a de facto standard,” said Rick Klau, California’s chief technology innovation officer. “This is essentially the one common way for residents to secure that digital copy and then use it.”
But no voter ID?

Florida residents are being warned about falling iguanas.
Iguanas are cold-blooded, and their bodies can go dormant when exposed to temperatures less than 45 degrees. When an iguana's body goes dormant, the creature can lose control of its grip and drop from trees and bushes. Once on the ground, dormant iguanas often appear dead but aren't.
CNN reported cold-stunned iguanas can still breathe and operate critical body functions in their dormant state.
Multiple studies have shown that the Omicron variant itself affects the upper airways far more than the lungs, even as it’s much more transmissible than any other variant. This is exactly what happened in the later stages of 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, according to John M. Barry, author of “The Great Influenza: The Epic Story of the Deadliest Plague in History.”  

'What happens when only a handful of giant grocery store chains like
@Kroger dominate an industry? They can force high food prices onto Americans while raking in record profits. We need to strengthen our 
antitrust laws to break up giant corporations and lower prices.' This is a quote from giant-brain Eliz. Warren on Twitter.
According to data compiled this month by New York University finance professor Aswath Damodaran, the entire retail grocery industry currently averages barely more than 1 percent in net profit. In its most recent quarter, Kroger reported a profit margin of 0.75 percent, during a time in which Warren claims that the chain was "expanding profits" due to its "market dominance."
Now everyone gets to have an opinion. But wouldn't you think that a Senator would have an opinion that made her look at least of average intelligence? This is a very stupid opinion.
When you see something as obviously wrong as that, --like those of Sotomayor--don't you start thinking of other explanations?

That said, sometimes politicians look stupid or malicious because they are prompted to be. Consider poor Boris Johnson. A report from Imperial College about the severity of Omicron showed a 40 to 45 percent reduction in the risk of hospitalization compared to Delta, and a 50 percent reduction in risk for people who had a prior infection.
Less than a week earlier, the same team at Imperial College, led by Professor Neil Ferguson, had said they could find ‘no evidence… of Omicron having different severity from Delta’. On the day before that, the chief medical officer, Chris Whitty, had appeared on television telling the nation that ‘there are several things [about Omicron] we don’t know but all the things we do know are bad.’

I don't know if this is true but it is a really scary idea from an educator in Canada: Our students were taught to think of their schools as hubs for infection and themselves as vectors of disease. This has fundamentally altered their understanding of themselves.

There is a frequent claim that global warming will increase the number of people killed by natural disasters. Instead, since 1920, the number of people killed by natural disasters has declined by over 80 percent, as the planet’s average temperature has risen by 1.12 degrees Celsius.

Kamala Harris is roughly as popular inside the Democratic Party as Biden, with a job approval rating among Democrats exceeding 80 percent, according to a recent CBS News poll.


Custer said...

You have the ability to identify some of the worst people in the World.
Starting with Sonja to KAMALA. Rachel esta Idioeoso.. baboso ( Espanol )
Tell me why you were the big money behind HILLARY.
MY Brother tells me that he shoveled a ton of your Global warming theory off his Driveway.
You and your buddy Al Gore made a two shitloads of money from that scam.

Custer said...

As you know, the only time the U.S. reached DEFCON 2 WAS DURING the CUBAN MISSLE CRISIS.