Friday, February 25, 2022

Some notes

Some Notes

An observation that should raise a lot of collateral questions. We have been told for decades that wind and solar would save the world. Yet here we are with the Russians invading their democratic neighbors and all of us are saying the great problem is going to be our access to petroleum. If the West continues to rely upon people who hate them to provide petroleum to them, and act as if wind and solar are a viable alternative, a real conflagration is much more likely--and frightening--than rising sea levels.

A major consideration in sanctions by NATO is the vulnerability of several NATO countries to Russian petroleum. This has compromised the NATO response. This was certainly known. If this vulnerability was known, why wasn't our alternative energy capacity developed and used to free up those countries from petroleum dependence and make NATO's position stronger?

Was the American daily broadcast countdown to the Ukraine invasion one of the weirder things you have seen?

Gerhard Schröder, a former German chancellor with close ties to Russia, has been tapped to join the Gazprom supervisory board. The former German chancellor!
Angela Merkel was chancellor of Germany from 2005 to 2021. While born in Hamburg, Merkel grew up in East Germany and, in 1968, Merkel joined the Free German Youth (FDJ), the official communist youth ...wait a minute!

Sean Penn is sitting in the front row of the reporters for Biden. Is anybody serious here?

A thought experiment: could you sit down with the drug cartel, explain the problems they were causing, and appeal to their better nature?

A challenge: How to support the European need for energy and, at the same time, suppress energy production at home.

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