Saturday, February 5, 2022



Ours is a culture obsessed with disparities. What about these and what should be done?

From Thomas G. Mortenson, senior scholar at the Pell Institute for the Study of Opportunity in Higher Education in Washington, D.C., updated.

Birth and Death (20)
For every 100 girl babies who die in the first 27 days of life 127.5 boy babies die.
For every 100 girl babies who die after the first 27 days but in the first year of life 130 boy babies die.
For every 100 infant girls who die under one year old, 128 infant boys die.
For every 100 girls ages 1 to 4 years who die 141 boys die.
For every 100 girls ages 5 to 14 years who die 130 boys die.
For every 100 girls and women ages 15 to 24 years who die 270 boys and men die.
For every 100 women ages 25 to 34 who die 227 men die.
For every 100 women ages 35 to 44 who die 177 men die.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics

For every 100 women who die by opioid overdose, 227 men die.
Source: Kaiser Family Foundation

For every 100 female deaths attributable to alcohol worldwide, there are 329 male deaths.
Source: National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, National Institutes of Health

For every 100 women who die on the job, 1,118 men die working.
Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

For every 100 females ages 15 to 19 who commit suicide there are 293 males.
Source: Centers for Disease Control

For every 100 females ages 20 to 24 who commit suicide there are 464 males.
Source: Centers for Disease Control

For every 100 females ages 25-29 who commit suicide there are 418 males.
Source: Centers for Disease Control

For every 100 females ages 15-19 who die of homicide, there are 642 males.
Source: Centers for Disease Control

For every 100 females ages 20-24 who die of homicide, there are 717 males.
Source: Centers for Disease Control

For every 100 females ages 25-29 who die of homicide, there are 579 males.
Source: Centers for Disease Control

For every 100 females ages 30-34 who die of homicide, there are 488 males.
Source: Centers for Disease Control

For every 100 female military personnel who have died during Operation Enduring Freedom, 4,506 men have died.
Source: Congressional Research Service

For every 100 female military personnel who have died during Operation Iraqi Freedom, 3,915 men have died.
Source: Congressional Research Service

Don't those numbers look like a crisis? 


Custer said...

Sir, you restate the obvious,History shows that Ideals are peaceful, While history is violent.
Remember PLATO ( my own translation) man was created as a KILLING ANIMAL.

Custer said...

Why was my statement not made public? I know you are terribly terribly frighted of the RUSKIES

Custer said...

The Honorable, Sir William of Danihel, comments ,So What !