Thursday, August 29, 2019

new charts

What is telling is the fact that many of the descendants of those who live in the countries that sold their fellow countrymen into slavery are trying to emigrate to the United States, while few descendants of those who were slaves in the United States are trying to immigrate elsewhere.--Rahn

Went to Olgebay last night. Had a GPS confusion but otherwise pretty easy. Really easy back through legendary places like North Strabane, Donaldson's Crossing and the like. Olgebay was very nice, an attractive place with easy access and terrific food. Small rooms but a good little place.

Biden said, “Poor kids are just as bright as white kids.” Crisis! What Mr. Biden probably meant to say was that “poor kids are just as bright as wealthy kids”. And the Press gave him the break they would not have given Trump. But is that true? What is it about us that drives us to believe--or say, at least--that successful qualities, which we know are both inherited and nurtured, do not distinguish groups? One possible explanation: People confuse "equality" as an ends rather than a means.

Project Stormfury, was carried out by the U.S. Government for about twenty years starting in the early 1960s. Aircraft seeded hurricane clouds with silver iodide in an attempt to strengthen the outer portions of the storm in hopes of weakening the intense storm core.
The project was a failure because it was learned that hurricanes already efficiently convert the available cloud water to precipitation anyway, throughout the storm. 

By 1804, all the Northern states had abolished slavery which at one time was legal in all the American colonies. Slavery persisted in the South not because it was capitalistic but because it was feudal. the essence of feudalism is not free-market; it thrives on coercion and closed labor markets. How could anybody argue that slavery thrived on free-markets?

In Wyden'a taxation scheme, annual increases in the value of people’s assets would be taxed as income, even if the assets aren’t sold. Someone who owned stock that was worth $400 million on Jan. 1 but $500 million on Dec. 31 would add $100 million to income on his or her tax return.

A palindrome is a text that reads the same forward and backward, such as: “A man, a plan, a canal: Panama!” The word palindrome is from Greek palin (again) + dromos (running). 
“Madam, I’m Adam.” “Eve.” Palindromes are clearly very old.

Richard Jewell, the hero security guard turned Olympic bombing suspect, died on this day in 2007 at age 44 of natural causes at his Georgia home. His life was ruined by the Press.

From political scientist Francis Fukuyama:

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