Tuesday, March 10, 2020

McCloskey's Preface to the Korean edition

Deirdre McCloskey’s Preface to the Korean edition of her book, Why Liberalism Works. Her opening:

"Liberalism is the theory, by now only about two centuries old, that people should not be slaves—not Koreans as slaves to Japanese, not wives as slaves to husbands, not citizens as slaves to the State. A slave cannot say No. You can be a 100 percent slave, bought and sold, or merely a 14 percent slave, taxed at that rate. Being a slave to the State only on 14 percent of the days, only on Mondays, say, unable to say No, and beaten or imprisoned if you do, still means you are a (partial) slave. Liberalism makes everyone equal in permission to buy and sell, vote and protest, move and venture. No slaves."

So a group of McCloskey's Liberals can be an economy, or a club with variable membership. But can they defend themselves?

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