Thursday, March 26, 2020

Principles Victims of Viruses

                 Principles as Victims of Viruses

A Bloomberg article is going to anger some people but has a lot of reasonable conjecture--conjecture--that I have summarized here. The argument is that many of the core beliefs of the Left will dissipate with the stress of Pandemic.The title is, The Coronavirus Killed the Progressive Left. (Of note, the destruction of principle in emergencies is philosophy-free. Conservativism and its small government, individual preservation preoccupation will decline as well.) For those who are discouraged about the lack of American quality in leadership, such a time where principles may not apply seems like a perfect time for our current crop. Both Washington and Lincoln were principled men refined by their times to lead, the same might be said of our time and the leaders we have.

The threat of scarcity will always trump principle.

-The notion of very open international borders will seem strange and indeed intolerable, as most of the world’s wealthy nations have been looking for ways to keep foreigners out.

-The egalitarianism of the progressive left also will seem like a faint memory. Elites are most likely to support wealth redistribution when they feel comfortable themselves, and indeed well-off coastal elites in California and the Northeast are a backbone of the progressive movement. But when these people feel threatened in their lives or occupations, or when the futures of their children suddenly seem less secure, redistribution will not be such a compelling ideal.

-A massive dose of fiscal policy has been another progressive priority. Now that even Republicans are embracing stimulus, as a political issue it will cease to be effective for the left.

-The case for mass transit also will seem weaker, because subways and buses will be associated with the fear of Covid-19 transmission.

-There is likely to be much more government intervention in some parts of the health-care sector, but it will focus on scarce hospital beds and ventilators, and enforce nasty triage, rather than being a benevolent move toward universal coverage.

-The climate change movement is likely to be another victim. How much have you heard about Greta Thunberg lately? Concern over the climate will seem like another luxury from safer and more normal times.

The threat of scarcity will always trump principle.

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