Saturday, November 28, 2020

Some Stats


                                                                      Some Stats

In the United States during 2018, civilians and domestic law enforcement owned about 426 million firearms or an average of 1.3 firearms per person.[243] This increased from 0.8 firearms per person in 1986:

Guns Owned by U.S. Civilians and Law Enforcement

 Handguns comprised 55% of all new guns sold to civilians and law enforcement in 2018, which is an increase from 35% in 2000:[245]

Handguns as a Portion of New Firearms Sold to U.S. Civilians and Law Enforcement

Murder rates in Washington D.C. and the entire United States were as follows:

Murder Rates in Washington, DC

Murder rates in England and Wales were as follows:

Murder Rates in England

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