Sunday, July 7, 2024


Cindy Tappe, a former director of finance and administration at NYU's Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and Transformation of Schools, sent about $3.5 million to a pair of shell companies she controlled between 2012 and 2018, according to prosecutors and the state comptroller's office.


In May of ’21, CDC falsely claimed that children accounted for 4% of Covid deaths. But the real data showed the true number was four-hundredths of one percent (.04%). Is it a coincidence that this mistake coincided w/CDC’s controversial decision to recommend Pfizer’s Covid vaccine for kids as young as 12? Who’s been held accountable for these mistakes and misinformation?--Atkissson



What to do with Mr. Assange...Some cry "Treason!"--but he's not a U.S. citizen. Some say "Spy!"--but he only publicized what was already exposed by the American Manning. (Who is a traitor.) The libertarians are thrilled with his exposing insincerity and duplicity of government--as if this were some news.

Truth is not the question. What was published were copies. True copies. But does truth always have to be said? Is it important to the moral balance of the universe that the lady in the stupid hat--who spent all day working with it and wears it proudly and confidently into the world--knows that everyone around her thinks it's stupid? Or is that truthful insight gratuitously cruel and self important?

But Assange is more than arrogant and gauche; he is destructive. He has a plan of chaos and disorder and the victims of that plan are us. Read what he said to Time magazine: "It is not our goal to achieve a more transparent society; it's our goal to achieve a more just society."..... (If leaks cause U.S. officials to) ...."lock down internally and to balkanize," ...(they will)... "cease to be as efficient as they were." What he wants is to make the system inefficient. He wants the system not to work.

For some reason those with confidence in state power often attack it by asking more of it than it can do.

Well, which part of the system should fail. The electrical grid that runs the respirators? The economic grid that controls contracts and exchange? The military grid and its fail safe mechanisms?

The world is getting more dangerous. Imagine a malicious soul in a commodity exchange computer. Or a bank computer. Or a military one.

The well-poisoner does not want to kill anyone; he wants to destroy the village.

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