Monday, July 8, 2024

The Rewards of Progress

Interesting notion about part of Biden's bleary decision-making to stay as president: he is still bitter about being passed over by Obama for Hilary in 2016. He wants his two terms.


Adulterate is from Latin adulterare (to corrupt) while adult is from Latin adolescere (to grow up). Adulterate and adultery are related. When you engage in either, you introduce something/someone other to the picture.


Don sent a note from the American Thinker by an MD suggesting that Biden has the Lewy Body Dementia version of Parkinsonism.
Diagnosis over time or distance is unfair...but...


The Rewards of Progress

Coal consumption, a lynchpin in the faith-based warming/change theology, is rising. Despite all the treaties. Despite all the promises.

The CEO of Huntsman Corp., which has annual revenue of about $8 billion from turning hydrocarbons into products, said the following: 
In 1970, global cooling was supposedly going to disrupt agriculture and other things, the ozone was going to disappear, and acid rain was going to deforest New England. Today, the real U.S. GDP is four times larger than in 1970, but Americans’ activities are emitting about the same number of metric tons of carbon dioxide, even while using much more electricity, and driving and flying many more miles. Why? Better technologies and processes; we learn and adapt.

So where should the world look to save us from the uncertain crisis of global warming? Who can we get to make the sacrifice? Not the tough guys like India and China. How about the rich kid trying to make friends? How about the good old Charlie Brown? How about the USA? Even though they have already made a great effort and the impact of restraining them would hurt them much more than it would help the earth?


Now who thinks like that?

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