Thursday, July 25, 2024

Oil Leases

Biden finally explained his reason for dropping out of the race: it was to save democracy.
He would have done more good for democracy if he had dropped out of the 2020 race.


NORAD chased off a joint flight by the Russians and the Chinese last night.


Oil Leases

There was an oil lease auction held by the U.S. Government of Alaskan properties. Only nine were actually sold.

First is the fact that, while 9 “oil and gas” leases were sold in that January lease sale, not a single one of them was auctioned off to an actual “oil and gas” company. Indeed, 7 of the 9 were bought by the State of Alaska itself, via its Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority.

The two remaining leases were purchased by placeholder entities that are so insubstantial that neither of them - Knick Arm Services LLC and Regenerate Alaska, Inc. - even has its own website.

No real gas and oil company.

The reasons why are simple: Drilling in ANWR is too controversial, too legally difficult, too costly and there are too many other good places around the globe to explore for oil and gas. These are “oil and gas” leases in name only.

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