Thursday, October 3, 2024

Inequality vs. Difference

The whole connection between work and the output we live on is being lost in many people’s minds. To many, the country somehow has wealth, which we should all share – and “fairly.” The most basic fairness of contributing to the efforts that produced what you want to share escapes them completely.--Sowell


Freeman in the WSJ asks if the dockworkers union is price gouging.


Inequality vs. Difference

Richman on “the preoccupation with income and wealth inequality:”

"To start with the basics, we are not talking about inequality. We’re talking about income and wealth differences. Substitution of the term inequality is an appeal to emotion, a cashing in on other senses of the word. “You oppose equality? Don’t you believe that ‘all men are created equal’?” That’s demagoguery not argument.

In a market-oriented economy, most income is not distributed. There’s no distribution to describe as equal or unequal, fair or unfair. (What the government does is another story.) As Ludwig von Mises, wrote 102 years ago in Socialism: As Economic and Sociological Analysis, “Under Capitalism incomes emerge as a result of market transactions which are indissolubly linked up with production.” That’s not distribution or allocation."

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