Monday, October 7, 2024


Tram projects in Britain are two and a half times more expensive than French projects on a per mile basis. In the last 25 years, France has built 21 tramways in different cities, including cities with populations of just 150,000, equivalent to Lincoln or Carlisle. The UK has still not managed to build a tramway in Leeds, the largest city in Europe without mass transit, with a population of nearly 800,000.


Fossil fuel production has a lag time.
The increase in fossil energy production on federal lands observed during the Biden administration clearly is the result in substantial part of strong leasing and leasing acreage activity in 2019-2020. Both fell dramatically during the 2021-2023 period.



From an article in the American Institute for Economic Research:

Poverty has no causes; wealth has causes. No effort, sacrifice, risk-taking, or creativity is required to be mired in poverty. Following the reverse of Nike’s famous mantra suffices to ensure poverty: Just don’t do it. Poverty is simply the condition that humanity finds itself in if too little wealth is created.

Unlike poverty, wealth doesn’t just happen. To escape poverty requires the creation of wealth. Effort must be put forward, sacrifices must be made, risks must be taken, and creativity must be unleashed – all by us humans – if we are to transform any of the atomic and molecular mash-ups given to us by nature into outputs that improve our lives. Adam Smith signaled this reality in the full title of his magnificent 1776 book, An Inquiry Into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.

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