Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cab Thoughts

Will the military, comfortable now with their position on gay soldiers, open their ranks to cross dressers and transgender volunteers as well?

Anwar al-Awlaki was killed by American drone in Yemen. He was an American citizen who was behind a number of terrorist attacks. Did he deserve a trial? Was he deprived of his constitutional rights?

First bin Ladin, now al-Awlaki. And Obama's popularity rises. Is it possible that the leadership in this country will be judged on its assassination success rate?

The U.S. is now importing less oil from the Middle East for the first time since 1999.There are a number of factors. We now have an increase in domestic production, the first such improvement in a long time. Mileage has improved. There is a rise in synthetic fuels and ethanol--still a dumb deal--is up. The downturn in the economy has helped too. The trajectory, if continued, will make us independent of these people in 12 years.

Some European utilities are experiencing periodic surges in their solar sources for their grid and are selling energy at a loss. This believe it or not impairs their ability to upgrade and increase their sources.

A recent article by a very bright libertarian compared the qualities of socialism to the qualities of capitalism as "envy, entitlement, and aggression" juxtapose to "commerce, creativity, and comity." Is that true?

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