Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Illegal Deficits

When a nation is running a deficit, that means the net income in taxes and fees is less than the amount the nation pays out. Another way of looking at it is that the average American is taking more money from the government than he pays out in taxes. In essence, the average American household gets in government money more than it pays.

The average illegal immigrant household is instructive. There are about 13 million households of illegal immigrants in the U.S.. If one calculates the amount of money illegal households get per household from the government and subtract the taxes they pay, you get $17,000,(according to some guy named Edwin Rubenstein from a think tank in Chicago.) That calculates out to about $220 Billion dollars a year, or about 17% of the entire national deficit and about the annual interest paid out on the national debt.

1 comment:

jim said...

The article that was the source for the numbers in this particular blog post has been taken down so....maybe not so accurate.