Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Cab Thoughts 7/24/13

Trying to determine what is going on in the world by reading newspapers is like trying to tell the time by watching the second hand of a clock. -Ben Hecht, screenwriter, playwright, novelist, director, and producer (1894-1964)

Real Madrid tops Forbes' list of 50 most valuable sports teams, with Manchester United and Barcelona holding the next two spots. The New York Yankees are fourth with a value of $2.3 billion and the Dallas Cowboys are fifth at $2.1 billion.

What is.....Zond 8?

Geothermal power production started in the Salton Sea field in California in 1982 and includes one of the largest and hottest geothermal wells in the world. Plants extract super-heated water from thousands of feet beneath the earth’s surface and use it to produce steam that drives turbines to generate electricity. The remaining brine is then injected back into the ground. The geothermal sites have long been known to be associated with earthquakes. In a paper authored by Emily Brodsky it was found that the earthquake rate mirrored the net extraction rate – the volume of water withdrawn minus the amount injected back into the ground.
“The net extraction…. at the Salton Sea is about half a billion gallons per month,” Brodsky said. “That results in roughly one detectable earthquake per 11 days. If you increase it, that increases the number of earthquakes."
Green, but worrisome. But green.

Iceland heats 87 percent of its homes using geothermal energy. That would be where to go if the Sun stopped glowing.

In the First World War, the Unites States suffered 53,404 deaths in battle, 63,114 in what was called "other." In the Second World War the breakdown was combat deaths, 291,557, "other," 113,842.

It has been published in several places that the Federal government intervened in the Zimmerman investigation and actually paid people to agitate for the State of Florida to bring charges. This, with the malicious doctoring of the 911 call by NBC to cast the call in a racial light, should give every citizen pause. The country is being manipulated by people who do not wish it well. One wonders which is worse, the manipulative political elite or the rapacious financial ones.

From Deen to Zimmerman the country is beginning to show inquisition-like behavior where one's inner thoughts are discoverable and, if demonstrated, criminal. In France, the land of The Terror and the Celebration of the Supreme Being, the controversial French novelist Michel Houellebecq was put on trial for saying that Islam is "the stupidest religion." Astonishingly he was found not guilty. There is no evidence that he was made to wear a scarlet "A", or any other letter, before or after the trial.

Jacobin \JAK-uh-bin\: noun: an extreme radical, especially in politics; (in the French Revolution) a member of a radical society or club of revolutionaries that promoted the Reign of Terror and other extreme measures, active chiefly from 1789 to 1794: so called from the Dominican convent in Paris, where they originally met; a Dominican friar. etymology: The Jacobins are an order of Dominican friars that have practiced in Paris since the 1300s. During the French Revolution, Parisian radicals quartered themselves in the Jacobin convent of Saint Jacques in 1789, and now Jacobin can refer to revolutionaries or extremists of any kind.

The Russians waited across the Vistula during the Warsaw Uprising of 1944, while the Germans reduced the city to rubble. The Polish Home Army, the main Polish resistance, with 300,000 men under arms, offered to subordinate itself to the Soviet high command in the fight against the Nazis, but the Russians tricked, disarmed, and arrested its officers and—in many cases—sent them to the gulag. Russia was not just fighting Nazis, Russia was conquering Eastern Europe, just as the Nazis had tried.

Dog Days are typically July and August, the hot and humid days of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. Its origin as a phrase comes from the observation of Sirius, the "Dog Star" in the Canus Major (the brightest star in the constellation but also the northern sky.) The Dog Days originally were the days when Sirius rose just before or at the same time as sunrise (heliacal rising: when it first becomes visible above the eastern horizon for a brief moment just before sunrise. This is no longer true because of the precession of the equinoxes, the "wobble" of the earth on its axis.) The Romans sacrificed a brown dog at the beginning of the Dog Days to appease the rage of Sirius, believing that the star was the cause of the hot, sultry weather.

Waterspouts are tornadoes over water and winds can be up to 120 miles per hour. They are commonest off the coast of Florida and are theorized by some to be the cause of mysterious disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle.

Half of all fresh water on the planet is used for livestock. It takes 1,500 gallons of water to produce one gallon of milk, and the water necessary for one pound of steak is double that. It takes fourteen pounds of feed to produce one pound of beef. The West eats about 200 pounds of meat per person per year. United Nations forecasts that the world's population will surpass nine billion by the year 2050. With increasing modernization and population growth one could conservatively imagine that by 2050 at least five billion people will expect to eat their 200 pounds of meat per year as well. In order to feed this many people this much meat, the world would need to produce one trillion pounds of beef and pork annually, and there is not enough land or nutrients on earth to support this kind of production. Enter insect ranches. Thailand is the current world leader in insect farming, with about 15,000 farms raising locusts, grasshoppers, and mantises for human consumption. Insects also feature in the diets of rural Laos, Vietnam, Colombia, Brazil, and Mexico. It will be grand when this food and resource allocation crisis becomes popular and pious politicians begin the campaign, then the persuasion, then the laws to set this right.

Golden Oldie:

A new study has found that dementia rates among people 65 and older in England and Wales have dropped by 25 percent over the past two decades. Astonishingly, it was predicted by many scientists that dementia rates would fall and mental acuity improve as the population grew healthier and better educated.

The Earth’s clockwise rotation causes objects traveling in the Northern hemisphere to be deflected in a gentle clockwise direction in what is known as the Coriolis Force. As the Earth’s surface moves at a different rate relative to the atmosphere, a discrepancy between the rotation of the Earth’s and the movement of the atmosphere causes an object heading towards the north to pick up the energy of the Earth’s rotation, and begin to curve to the east. The opposite occurs in the southern hemisphere. As a result, navigation systems must compensate for the Coriolis Force to avoid deviation to the right or left of the target.

Jenny McCarthy is officially co-hosting the "The View," Barbara Walters and ABC announced Monday. The comedian/actress/host/Playboy model and best-selling author officially starts on Monday, Sept. 9, the beginning of the show's new season. Elisabeth Hasselback left last week and Walters plans to retire this fall. Her hiring raises a question regarding the connection between celebrity and profoundly idiotic propaganda. McCarthy's son was diagnosed with autism in 2005. She has claimed that it was caused by vaccines, that he has since been cured and eagerly pronounces her anti-vaccine position on any occasion. Besides anecdotal experience, her evidence is a study by former intestinal specialist Andrew Wakefield that the British Medical Journal has debunked as "an elaborate fraud," a description that, under the circumstances of the evil involved, was kind. Whether McCarthy will promote her anti-science on the show is unknown but one might wonder, in this large world, if someone else with as good a smile and figure but without the stunningly dangerous stupidity might not be available.

AAAAAaaaaannnnnddddd.....a picture of a farmer walking to his crops in China. In the middle is an empty amusement park piece, built and abandoned in a previous building frenzy:

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