Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Momentum in the Middle East Suicide Pact

Can Iran be protected from itself? Do the Americans have any responsibility there?

There are some questions that are obvious with the Biden/Obama approach to Iran and its search for nuclear power. One wonders why this discussion is always limited to Iran, the U.S., and Russia--aside, of course, from the obvious illogic of it? After all, there are two sides to the Middle East suicide pact and Iran is only half. The other is Israel.

Sooo, what happens when the U.S., through its irrational connection with Russia, facilitates Iran's ambitions? Does the world just write mystified editorials for a year or two and then go back to worrying about transgender sports? Or, does Israel, turning to its ferocious power and vicious single-mindedness, rise above Biden's feckless, one-world vision and just solve the problem?

Is there anyone who thinks that is an unlikely scenario?

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