Monday, September 9, 2024

Inquiring Minds

In early 2024, six out of 10 teachers nationwide said they were experiencing burnout, and one in five said they intended to leave their job at the end of the academic year, according to a study by Rand Corporation.
The most common reason for teacher stress? Student behavior.


If Trump forces Affordable Care Act plans to cover IVF, he will encourage more Americans to move to taxpayer-subsidized plans from small business offerings that often can’t afford to cover IVF.


Inquiring Minds

Although it has received little national attention, Linda Sun, a former top-level aide to New York governors Kathy Hochul and Andrew Cuomo, has been arrested as an alleged spy for Beijing. This has raised some anxiety about the impact of the CCP and its espionage influence in the U.S.

A big part of the CCP’s overseas influence operations is carried out by its “united front” network, a complex network of agencies and organizations that are coordinated by a party agency called the United Front Work Department.

Newsweek investigation in 2020 found 600 United Front organizations in the United States. Nicholas Eftimiades, senior fellow at the Atlantic Council, said that if each of the organizations had recruited several people, the CCP could have “at least 20,000 to 30,000 actively working—knowingly or not—on behalf of China.”

As for classic spies, the size of China’s top intelligence agency, the Ministry of State Security (MSS), has an estimated 100,000 employees, around five times the size of the CIA.

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