Sunday, September 8, 2024

One/Two State

The rightness of a thing isn't determined by the amount of courage it takes. -Mary Renault, novelist


One/Two State

David Friedman, Trump's ambassador to Israel, is making the rounds, talking about his book, One Jewish State.

He was one of the leading architects of the historic Abraham Accords,

He argues that while Israel doesn't want a Palestinian state, neither do the Palestinians who fear the incompetence and corruption of their leaders. He gives as an example a dispute that occurred during the Trump administration.

Several small Arab towns in the Israeli section close to the West Bank were complaining about how they were treated over something. The Israeli government sent representatives to speak to them and Friedman, as U.S. Ambassador, was included. Friedman offered that the lines drawing the territory were arbitrary and Trump and the Israelis had agreed they could redraw the boundaries so the unhappy Arab towns could be included in the Arab-administrated West Bank.

The Arabs were horrified by the suggestion. They would never want to live under such a corrupt government. They immediately withdrew all their complaints.

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