Friday, September 13, 2024

Pole-Sitting and Luddites

Haitian illegal immigrants have an incarceration rate 38 percent below native-born Americans and legal Haitian immigrants have an incarceration rate about 81 percent below native-born Americans


Inflation-adjusted median household income was $80,610 in 2023, up 4% from the 2022 estimate of $77,540, the bureau said in its annual report card on households’ financial well-being. This move returned incomes to about where they were in 2019, the peak that was hit just before the pandemic.


Pole-Sitting and Luddites

“When it gets too hot, we lightly spray water on our arms, legs, and faces; the water helps dissipate a lot of heat,” a New York Times essay by Stan Cox, the author of an anti-air-conditioning book titled “I Swore Off Air-Conditioning, and You Can Too” suggests as an alternative to modern air-conditioning technology. Cox also advocates restricting dishwashers and refrigeration.

If this sounds like the statement of a wide-eyed, religious devotee sitting on a pole in the Byzantine should. That is not to dismiss the notion but rather to dignify it at least with a history and a seemingly hard-wired human tendency to challenge change, materialism, innovation, and comfort. And human success.

Rousseau was maybe not as innovative as once thought.

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