Saturday, September 7, 2024



Googol is the number 1 followed by 100 zeros (10^100). Googolplex is (10^googol or 10^10^100). It’s so big that it’s not even possible to spell it out in long form (1000000000...). We would fill the whole universe before we come even close to writing out the number. It is even bigger than the number of atoms in the universe.


The UN recently tried to claim more than 175,000 people die from “extreme heat” every year. The real number is closer to 43,000 which the UN later acknowledged very quietly. In fact, a valid study showed that global extreme heat deaths have declined by 13.9% every ten years. 
Another study shows that over the past 30 years, the annual global average of days with heat waves has only increased from 13.4 to 13.7. Cold kills far more, up to four times as many. Heat deaths for youngsters has actually declined by 50% over 30 years, but you would never know that from the data the UN publishes. Malnutrition actually causes many more youngsters to die in Europe and Central Asia than does heat. They also claimed heat deaths of old people increased 85% in 22 years while failing to mention that the population of old people has increased almost the same number.


In the year to June, 80,200 New Zealand citizens moved abroad, almost double the numbers prior to the Covid-19 pandemic. Meanwhile, just 24,900 returned, according to Stats NZ — the country’s official data agency. The net loss of 55,300 citizens (which follows a net loss of 56,500 in the year to April) smashed the previous record of 44,400 in February 2012.

About half are going to Australia.  

Economic factors figure highly in explanations for why so many New Zealanders are moving overseas.
While Australia has so far avoided recession and enjoyed a booming jobs market since the pandemic — in large part due to its dominant mining industry — New Zealand’s central bank warned on Wednesday that its economy is on the brink of its third recession since the beginning of 2022.


In 2014 fewer than 10,000 migrants crossed the Darian gap. Last year more than 500,000 did. Another surge is expected as a result of Venezuela’s presidential election on July 28th, which was stolen by the ruling autocrat, Nicolás Maduro.


Results show that from 2003 to 2022, average time spent at home among American adults has risen by one hour and 39 minutes in a typical day. Time at home has risen for every subset of the population and for virtually all activities. 
A conclusion was then leapt to: Preliminary analysis indicates that time at home is associated with lower levels of happiness and less meaning, suggesting the need for enhanced empirical attention to this major shift in the setting of American life.


'Our results indicate a significant decrease in the difficulty of the SAT math section over time, alongside a decline in students’ math performance. The analysis shows a 71-point drop in the rigor of SAT math from 2008 to 2023, with student performance decreasing by 36 points, resulting in a 107-point total divergence in average student math performance.'

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