Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Penn State and Aesop

The Penn State disaster is beginning to take on symbolic qualities.

Politics: The Fast and Furious charge by the gun owners could not possibly be true because no one is that heartless or that irresponsible.
PSU Counter: Oh yeah? What about the leadership at Penn State? Could anyone have imagined that?

Politics: No one could possibly take these tiny political arguments like Bain Capital seriously when these huge economic and diplomatic problems are facing us.
PSU Counter: Oh, yeah? The Penn State disaster should probably result in closing the entire football program and what are they debating? The Paterno statue.

Politics: Every single time an investigation is concluded, the loser wants to hire an independent investigation.
PSU Counter: The Paterno family has rejected the Freeh report and want to commission their own. Perhaps they could link up with O.J.

Politics: Every single major problem facing this problem could be solved by grownups taking charge and accepting responsibility for hard decisions that will result in damage to some people. Tick. Tick. Tick.
PSU: The Penn State disaster demands, at some point, a judgment and a decision. There are countless bodies who have responsibilities here. Tick. Tick. Tick.

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