Friday, September 14, 2012

A Third Rail

A recent article in Vanity Fair focuses on Karl Rove and his efforts to organize pro-Romney financial support through PACs. Hopefully this is not the real intent of the article; hopefully the real purpose is to show how a sizable third stream of influence is emerging in American politics. In this particular instance the money is raised outside the Republican Party infrastructure and being organized by the villain, Rove. But money is just a thing. Like a gun, it must be aimed. These organizations are pro-Romney today but, tomorrow may not be. Indeed, tomorrow they might be pro-Obama. Or pro-coal. Or pro-China.

In 2008, Obama outspent John McCain by around two to one. This year Super-PACs supportive of President Obama have spent twice as much on anti-Romney ads as conservative PACs have spent on anti-Obama ads. The NYT reports some analysts believe that Obama, after raising and spending $750 million in 2008, will come close to raising $1 billion this year.

$1 billion. Each dollar with its own string attached. From who knows who and with what motive.

Meanwhile, in Tampa, social activists are protesting something at the Republican convention dressed as vaginas.

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