Saturday, September 22, 2012

Cab Thoughts 9/22/12

Desperate Housewife Eva Longoria, Planned Parenthood's head Cecile Richards, NARAL Pro-Choice America's Nancy Keenan, and Georgetown Law's contraceptive coed Sandra Fluke were all speakers at the Democrat Convention. Don't we have a lot of economic and health problems? Is there a priority problem here?

The Republicans, the party of small government and individual responsibility, has a party platform plank opposing on-line poker.

So the government is putting ads in Muslim countries featuring Obama and Clinton saying the famous film no one has seen and is responsible for the anti-American violence is not their fault but rather an American citizen's? Don't blame us, blame our citizens?

Obama went out of his way to show deference to the Middle East, even to the point of subordinating the Israelis' interests. So, how do you think that has worked out?

The Pirate swoon--for the second year--is drawing some fire, just as if they were a team of major leaguers.

John Hanger reports in his blog that Dimock, Pa. has been a center of international discussion over its fracking questions, mostly fantasies. But apparently reporters from Russia were dispatched to portray shale drilling environmental impacts that they hoped would convince Europe not to develop its shale resources, thereby cementing Putin's gas monopoly. Reporters with an agenda? Really?

"individuals who started using cannabis in adolescence and used it for years thereafter showed an average eight-point IQ decline. Quitting or reducing cannabis use did not appear to fully restore intellectual functioning among adolescent-onset former persistent cannabis users”-- Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
"By the middle of the next decade, our cars will get nearly 55 miles per gallon, almost double what they get today,” Obama said recently. He did not say how.

In fairness, the new energy rules now include rewards for natural gas power.

In view of Islam's cultural context, is it possible for a female to have success in the Middle East as a negotiator?

"The specific energy of gasoline—measured in kWh per kg, for instance—is about 400 times higher than that of a lead-acid battery, and about 200 times better than the Lithium-ion battery in the Chevrolet Volt. We should not expect batteries to rival the energy density delivered by our beloved fossil fuels—ever."--Tom Murphy

The "You didn't build that" gaff/confession might be more a problem for Republicans than first imagined. This remarkably non-American, statist opinion somehow has made the Republicans focus on small businesses as their presumed target. The debate is bigger and more radical than that. Anyway, they are not going to be elected by swarms of pizza shop owners and haberdashers.

The difficulty with the Fed: In 1935, the Federal Reserve was granted “temporary” emergency powers allowing it to begin using Treasury securities, or government debt, as a reserve asset. The problem with Treasury securities as a reserve asset is that, unlike gold, they are affected by changes in the level of interest rates. So the "reserves" can fluctuate in value.

One of the most moving tributes in athletics accidentally occurred when Andy Roddick announced his planned retirement. This, with the similar announcement by Kim Clisters, caused commentator Mary Joe Fernandez to break into tears.

And a graph:
 Chart of the Day

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