Friday, September 28, 2012

Day Six of Trip

Went to Athens, first to the Acropolis and then to the museum.

There has been a lot of work done on the site, a lot is going on now. Much less access. Another beautiful day. The ruins as always are spectacular. The museum is new and built upon an archeological dig; the first floor is glass and the impact is remarkable.

The Acropolis has been destroyed several times, importantly by the Persians and much later by the Turks (who used it as an ammo storage dump and had it explode.) When the ancient Greeks rebuilt it after the Persians, they held the destroyed part in high regard and buried it carefully on the site so it was all retrievable for the new museum. Some was destroyed by remarkably careless archeologists, some by the same not knowing the friezes were of a single piece and some simply stolen (Lord Elgin.)

Back at the ship we had dinner with the Brits again. I'm sure the contractor has some stories but he won't bite. The wife has gluten intolerance.

The rumor is the ship is one half empty and it looks it. 

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