Friday, March 4, 2022

A New Age


Symbolism gone wild: The Russians are bringing mobile crematoriums with them to destroy evidence of the bodies they create.

A New Age

Putin continues to advance in Ukraine, continuing his explanation that he is fighting Nazis. The Americans continue to buy gas from Russia, essentially funding the Russian war, although they have shown the ability to be independent of any foreign producer. The Americans also continue to negotiate with a principal in the Middle East murder-suicide pact, arranging--with Russia and China--to give Iran money. The U.S. continues to move away from their own gas production in spite of having much cleaner gas than the gas they import and having, as a substitute, almost no solar or wind sources and, as is estimated, no such sources available in any significant volume, for decades. Covid, front page and screaming for the last two years, is now back page and silent. Biden's solution to inflation is to 'lower prices.'

One wonders if the environment of the world will have added to it so great a concentration of insincerity and stupidity that it will reach a saturation point and just precipitate out in a big, ugly clump like snow and we simple souls will be able to walk over it in our daily lives, periodically kicking it from our shoes.



vicky said...

This blog is an absolute gem.

jim said...
