Monday, July 15, 2019

Freedom is "Obsolete"

No genuine scientist would ever ridicule skepticism. It is one of the defining features of an inquisitive mind. No genuine scientist would use the word “denier” to describe another scientist. No genuine scientist would claim a computer model is able to predict future climates.--Moore 

Mom felt well all weekend.
This could be a long winter. The Steelers looked Pirate-like in their lack of high-level talent at the elite positions. Smith did not look like a first receiver--or perhaps their lack of a second receiver allowed the Patriots to take liberties. This did not look like a team that would be competitive on the upper level of the league.
The Patriot defense did look elite. And their left tackle, in his first pro game, stood up well against the feared Dupree.
And how is it that Brown ends up with exactly what he wanted, shafting both the Steelers and the Raiders?

The quote above raises the major--and unspoken--objection to the climate debate. Scientists do not ridicule or hound those who disagree. That is a particularly political and/or religious quality. Anyone with a scientific mind would recognize such intolerance as specifically unscientific.

For those of you who are low on your anxieties, by 2030, according to a recent report, half the population of India — 700 million people — will lack adequate drinking water. Currently, 25 percent of India’s population is suffering from drought. “If the wars of this century were fought over oil, the wars of the next century will be fought over water,” warns Ismail Serageldin, a former executive for the World Bank.

"There are now over 50 gender clinics in the United States. These were unheard of seven or eight years ago. And they’re set up real, almost like — if I may use a crude analogy — a restaurant where a person comes in and orders a treatment. Doctors have always said — you give me the symptoms, and I’ll help you with what I think is going on for the diagnosis. But that basic process is being short-circuited by a “this is my diagnosis; this is what I have” approach. And literally they’re asking for hormones. And amazingly, doctors are going along with it in many cases. I think it’s a travesty of our profession."--Josephson

Theodore Roosevelt, who popularized the phrase “race suicide,” wrote to a eugenicist that “the inescapable duty of the good citizen of the right type is to leave his or her blood behind him in the world, and that we have no business to permit the perpetuation of citizens of the wrong type.” Woodrow Wilson warned against the “corruption of foreign blood” and “ever-deteriorating” genetic material.

The government has hit and raised the debt limit 78 times since 1960, some 49 under Republican administrations and 29 under Democrats. And this time will be the same. Anger and threats will fill the airways. Righteous indignation will reign. Why is that? Because it gives these people a stage and an opportunity to pontificate.

On this day in 1942, a Japanese floatplane dropped incendiary bombs on an Oregon state forest—the first and only air attack on the U.S. mainland in the war.

                            Freedom is "Obsolete"

Putin thinks that "liberalism" has faded as a solution to the problems of man. The liberal ideology that has underpinned Western democracy for decades is “obsolete,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with the Financial Times published Friday. Speaking to the FT on the eve of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, during which world leaders will discuss trade, security and other matters, Putin said “the liberal idea” had “outlived its purpose” and “come into conflict with the interests of the overwhelming majority of the population.”
The Russian political philosopher has serious questions about the limits of "Liberty." As well he should. Liberty is an individual right that is beneficial to the collective only indirectly. But the Russian oligarch is probably asking a deeper question, placing, as much as a powerful and wealthy warlord can, himself in the jackboots of the average guy. Because liberty is risky. Many of us manage it poorly and will eagerly trade it for security, security we are strangely willing to risk on the leader's behalf. The divine right of kings was more than an imposition upon a superstitious people, it was a bargain, a trade, liberty-for-security. The leaders would manage things, we would feed them. Sooner or later we would be forced to fight for them.
Putin thinks we have had our run of freedom. It is time for men to be taken care of again.

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