Saturday, July 13, 2019

Some Charts and Stuff

In the realm of ideas, everything depends on enthusiasm; in the real world, all rests on perseverance. --Goethe

My car got burglarized last night. I left it open.
Dinner last night at Zinho with Gordons, Losis and Brian. Really good. first time we really saw bad service though.

How could the Feds go after Gen. Flynn harder than they went after Epstein?

During the last full year (2018), non-hydroelectric renewables (solar and wind) provided 8.6% of the country’s electric power and its share increased to slightly above 10% for the first time during the first four months of this year.  Coal, natural gas, nuclear and hydroelectric power currently supply more than 88% of America’s electric power. The anti-petroleum lobby wants all of this replaced with solar and wind.
     But as huge a project as that seems, it ignores a true solution: Plant a trillion trees. And there's enough room, Swiss scientists say. Even with existing cities and farmland, there's enough space for new trees to cover 3.5 million square miles (9 million square kilometers), they reported in Thursday's journal Science. That area is roughly the size of the United States.
The study calculated that over the decades, those new trees could suck up nearly 830 billion tons (750 billion metric tons) of heat-trapping carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. That's about as much carbon pollution as humans have spewed in the past 25 years.
     And this could be a giant employment plan for the unemployed. And give reward to the unfulfilled. And optimism to the unhappy. And a project for inexperienced bureaucrats to manage. 
      The only thing holding us back is vision and will!

The average person on Earth is now 4.4 times richer than their ancestors were in 1950, according to an analysis by Max Roser, founder and editor of Our World in Data.
The biggest winners have been smaller nations that have benefited from the explosion of the global economy, usually via successes in technology or finance — places like South Korea (a 32.2x jump in per capita GDP since 1950), Taiwan (30.4x) and Singapore (27.5x). Astonishing numbers.
  • The biggest losers have been countries that were near the bottom in 1950 and have stagnated or even declined since then. The successes of the rest of the world have left these countries — the Central African Republic (0.5x), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (0.5x) and Sierra Leone (0.6x) — on the far side of a widening inequality gap.
Roser, an Oxford economist, writes that he finds GDP per capita important, especially over time, because it acts as "a measure of means only and thereby respects the freedom of everyone to choose for themselves."

According to the research of Jules Marchal, the Belgian system of forced labor reduced the population of Congo by half, thereby accounting for far more deaths than the Nazi holocaust. Is that true or is it like the 100 million American Indians killed by Europeans?

Is there a difference between Pennsylvania trading with China and Pennsylvania trading with Alaska?

On Wednesday, five Iranian gunboats attempted to seize a British oil tanker as it was traveling through the Persian Gulf.  As you will see below, this was apparently done in retaliation for an incident which happened in Gibraltar less than a week earlier.  British Royal Marines captured a tanker that was reportedly taking Iranian oil to Syria, and the Iranian government warned the British that there would be “consequences” for that action.  Apparently the Iranians felt that since the British grabbed an oil tanker that they should return the favor, and they may have gotten away with it if a British warship had not quickly intervened.  No shots were fired, and the five Iranian gunboats quickly left the scene after the British warship arrived.  But this move by the Iranians will be seen by the western powers as a direct threat to freedom of navigation in the Persian Gulf. 

The press has been trying to include Trump with Epstein through innuendo but so far it has been weak--and obvious. The guy who might be in some trouble is Clinton. Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” -- even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights, according to records obtained by
Trump is not known to have traveled with Epstein.
There has been a very strange innuendo vacuum since this resurfaced. 

On this day in 1793, Jean-Paul Marat, one of the most outspoken leaders of the French Revolution, was stabbed to death in his bath by Charlotte Corday, a Royalist sympathizer.
                                     Some Charts and Stuff

Petroleum products--a few:

Car Sales:

The map of the Marcellus Shale. Look at the size of it in New York where it is illegal to drill.

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