Saturday, June 29, 2024

An American Success Story

The 'Chevron Decision' is a big deal. But, as with the presidency itself, there is a gulf between form and substance.


In the first five months of this year, Beijing’s National Bureau of Statistics noted that foreign direct investment into China amounted to 412.5 billion yuan (about $568 million). That is some 30% below the level of such flows during this time last year. What is more, these latest figures show a faster rate of decline than in the January-April period and the 12th consecutive month of declining direct foreign investment into China.


The 'threat to democracy' charge is part of the routine anti-Trump attack. The argument is he is more concerned with his own advancement than the nation's. Now, where on the scale of nation-scorning ambition is what the Democrats have done with Biden?


An American Success Story

The debate restored politics to its proper place: entertainment. A participatory sport. And mendacity and unsubstantiated mutual accusations.

ICF would never come up in such a discussion but might be more indicative of American politics than any topic discussed.

ICF International Inc. was born as the Inter-City Fund in 1969 to finance and help minority-owned businesses apply for and secure governmental contracts. Since then, its focus has shifted radically. Today, it is the most important environmental organization you have never heard of.

ICF International Inc. staffs the United States Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) in the Office of Science and Technology Policy within the Executive Office of the President. It provides a yearly report on climate change to Congress called Our Changing Planet and is responsible for the content of the website. In 2022, its annual budget from the United States government was a stunning $3.6 billion. In 2024, it topped $5 billion — an increase of nearly fifty percent during the first two years of the Biden Administration.

A giant oak from a pinecone.

Who are these people? 

But this kind of thing is hardly surprising considering we don't even know who makes the decisions in the Oval Office.

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