Thursday, June 13, 2024

Notes and Notable 8

Roughly 14% of US travelers reported a bed bug encounter in the past year,


The press reports Iran is having an 'election.' The Ayatolla has appointed a 'reform candidate.'


NYTimes: Treasury officials say that they fear that elevated Chinese production targets are causing its firms to produce far more electric vehicles, batteries and solar panels than global markets can absorb, driving prices lower and disrupting production around the world. They fear that these spillovers will hurt businesses that are planning investments in the United States with tax credits and subsidies that were created through the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, a law that is pumping more than $2 trillion into clean energy infrastructure.


Notes and Notable 8

Illegal Chinese immigration count update, in battalions: 60.

Why is the debate over Biden's appropriateness as a presidential candidate seen as what is good for his party rather than what is good for the country?


Will Hunter's appeal rest upon his right--even an addict or felon--to own a weapon under the Second Amendment?


The press has reported the EU votes as a shift to the right. Is that true? The most astonishing breakdown of the European vote is the reversal of Green support. For example, in Germany, the Green vote dropped from 21% in 2012 to 12%. Among voters under 30, it dropped from 31% to 12%. Those are astonishing numbers.
(As an aside, what will the press say when the Conservatives get trounced in Britain in July?)


Seven ISIS terrorists, who crossed the southern border, have been arrested. That is an example of the phrase, 'The other shoe dropped.'


Note to government re: Hamas: They do not believe protecting citizens is in their interest. 'No means no.'

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