Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Lying Culture

Ms. Sheinbaum has promised to put the poor first, but that means Mexico’s economy will need to keep growing. Her challenge will be to square her socialist bona fides, and her history of climate activism on the United Nations climate panel, with policies that attract foreign capital to expand prosperity.--wsj
That step after the promise is always a toughie.


The FBI's 'Highway Serial Killings Initiative' (HSK) estimates that between 400 and 500 truckers could be implicated in a huge number of murders over the past 35 years.

As many as 850 women have disappeared or been found dead along the main interstate routes.


Eleven current and former newsroom veterans, who spoke to National Review on a condition of anonymity, said that Emma Tucker, the Wall Street Journal’s new editor-in-chief, appears to lack a basic understanding of American government, politics, and culture.


The Lying Culture

Our politics has become an Olympic trials of lying. But this country does not just tolerate mendacity, it does so without judgment.

"The border is secure." "Inflation is temporary." "Crime is trending down." "It was the largest crowd ever." "If you want, you can keep your own doctor." "Biden is sharp but Trump is failing." We have begun to accept mendacity as a cultural norm.

Remember Hilary Clinton discussed her grandparents and their trials as new immigrants in America. Her grandparents were not immigrants--Clinton's paternal grandmother Hanna Jones Rodham was born in Pennsylvania and Clinton's two maternal grandparents - Della Howell and Edwin Howell - were born in Illinois--and the story was easily proven false.  

This behavior is not new. One of her more enjoyable lies was her claim in 2008 that, in 1996 on a trip, for some reason, to Bosnia, she came under sniper fire.
When her lie was exposed, she excused herself by having her 2008 campaign folks explain that she “misspoke.” A lie is casually dismissed with a lie.

Bordeaux put this seriously strange behavior in context with a thought experiment, nee analogy.

"Suppose you’re on the board of a successful corporation and the President & CEO of that corporation is about to retire. You, as a board member, must help select the outgoing president’s replacement. A seemingly sane candidate comes in one day for an interview and he announces that he was once in the midst of sniper fire. That candidate then explains the hectic efforts that he and his companions took to avoid being mowed down, giving you the impression that his life was then in serious jeopardy before his fortunate escape from the attack. You’re impressed by the man’s adventure! You soon learn, however, that the candidate’s tale is a lie. There’s not a shred of relevant truth to it. You call the candidate and inform him that you have it on solid authority that no gunfire incident ever happened to him. There’s a short pause. He then replies, confidently, “Oh, yeah. I misspoke. Sorry about that!”

Do you need any further information about this candidate to immediately and unconditionally strike him off of the list of possible successors to the outgoing president? Can this candidate possibly have any superior qualities that offset your certain knowledge that he is either a bald-faced liar or bat-poop nuts? Surely not.

Let’s face it: no sane person misremembers being in the line of sniper fire when, in fact, that person never was in such a predicament. That’s not the sort of non-event that a sane person comes to believe he or she actually endured. How many of you, Cafe patrons, have ever recalled being in the line of sniper fire only to remember later that such a recollection is completely mistaken?
Now suppose that some of your colleagues on the board aren’t fazed by the discovery of this candidate’s phoniness or insanity. Indeed, a couple of your board colleagues say “Sure, that little tale is unfortunate, but we must overlook it because his genitalia make him ideal for the job!” Do you reassess your opinion of the candidate, or do you conclude that your colleagues either are up to something no good in their support of this candidate or are themselves also bat-poop bananas? Surely the latter.

If you don’t like this just-concluded mental experiment, try this one: your 25-year-old daughter brings home her new fiancé. The fiancé tells you that he was once in the midst of sniper fire and had to scurry to escape. You then discover that it’s a lie. How do you feel about your daughter’s future happiness?

Why is Hillary Clinton taken seriously by any serious person?"

Because we do not take the truth seriously.

1 comment:

Custer said...

I believe our government is now A Cleptocray