Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The Origins of Government

George Latimer, a pro-Israel centrist, defeated U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman on Tuesday in a Democratic primary in suburban New York. Bowman is a member of "the Squad," a political outlier of anti-Israelism, socialism, and general incivility.
A lot of money was involved.


The U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. attacked Israel's management of the West Bank in the U.N. in the Security Council.


It is pretty well established in law that charter schools cannot be discriminated against based on religion but, nonetheless, the Oklahoma Supreme Court struck a Catholic charter school down.
These people will not stop.


Trump will enter the debate with parts of a gag order.


Amed Rosario needed just 2 stitches to close a cut near his lip after being hit by a 99.6 mph pitch by Jared Jones in Pittsburgh. The injury looked a lot worse. But Brandon Lowe, who was also hit by Jones in the same inning, has a broken right pinkie toe.
Whether the league admits it or not, there is a problem with the speed of pitching, the need to advance pitchers' careers, and the defensive reaction time of batters.


The Origins of Government

The debate is tomorrow and Biden has been huddling for a week with 16 advisors to prepare, apparently to the exclusion of other work.

Imagine if they had been as assiduous with other projects, like the Afghan withdrawal, Covid management, and deficit spending.

Worse, maybe they were. Maybe these were not errors, maybe they are the Left's best policies.

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