Wednesday, June 12, 2024


Pander: "arranger of sexual liaisons, one who caters for the lusts of others," 1520s, "procurer, pimp," from Middle English Pandare (late 14c.), used by Chaucer ("Troylus and Cryseyde"), who borrowed it from Boccaccio (who had it in Italian form Pandaro in "Filostrato") as name of the prince (Greek Pandaros), who procured the love of Cressida (his niece in Chaucer, his cousin in Boccaccio) for Troilus. The story and the name are medieval inventions.
Amazingly, after several speeches, this word is being used to describe the President of the United States


“It is an indictment of democracy that neither of America’s political parties seems capable of addressing the fiscal crisis caused by the transfer state.”-McGinnis



So, let's see if we can get this straight about judges and the appropriateness of hearing cases.

Judge Alito is to recuse himself from Supreme Court decisions because some people do not like his wife's choice of traditional American flags.

The judge in the Trump case with the unspecified charge has contributed to a political campaign--which is illegal in New York--but that is okay. His daughter has a thriving business as a Democrat advisor. That is okay.

Do these people understand how the average guy sees this? Do they understand how bad that makes the country, the political scene, and justice generally, look? Or has political success become the north star of all political encounters? Are we, the revolutionary nation created out of process, now subservient to ends rather than means? Or, worse, is the electorate incapable of assessing and deciding on this kind of important, public information.

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