Wednesday, June 19, 2024

The Working Part of an Ax is Thin

Willie Mays has died.


Biden offered amnesty as a solution to the borderless problem in a strange, confused, mendacious speech yesterday.


Phillips, the Colorado cake maker, is in court again, this time for refusing to bake a cake for a transitioning party. These people are merciless.


Democrats are rolling out the Dr. Oz attack on Dave McCormick in the Senate race. My bet is it will work.


The Working Part of an Ax is Thin

Slow Down is a book by Saito that presents a Marxist viewpoint to solve the notion of global warming. Why anyone would turn to a bad economic philosophy responsible for murderous--even demographic disrupting--inhumanity for any insight is hard to explain. Yet the book presents the outrageous, but often heard, concept of a Rosseau-like luddite deconstruction of the modern world for the benefit of all. 

One--perhaps accidental--revelation is the fascinating admission of the number Harvard political scientist Erica Chenoweth came up with in her research into protest strategies as the percentage of a population that must rise up sincerely and nonviolently to bring about a major change to society.

That number is 3.5%. 

Now that number is not what Madison was thinking when he was developing a republic concept to protect minorities from democratic bullying.


1 comment:

Custer said...

Have a glass of grain Alcohol and Rain water every thing will feel better