Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Leader in Search of a Sword

Romney's choice of Paul Ryan as VP running mate was surprising and dangerous because it takes an unusual political risk: Ryan has a definable background. Both Romney and Obama have glowed in a vacuum; there is little, even now, known about them. Even the three year president seems shrouded. Indeed, a public reason Romney has admitted he has withheld his tax returns was to keep the opposition from finding any wedge, however small, to use in attack ads.

Ryan, compared to the two presidential candidates, is an open book. And he will suffer for it. But, strangely, this VP choice actually elevates the election. Ryan will drag the two presidential candidates (kicking and screaming) to a higher debate. The country is facing significant choices: public vs. private sector, spontaneous vs. managed economy, the risk of growth vs. the safety of decline, an international free world umbrella or withdrawal, grappling with the uncertainty of a free economy in the 21st century vs. the mixed results of the managed economy of the 20th century progressives, the attempted management of our outrageous social programs or the deferring of them.

It is embarrassing that it would require a VP candidate to clarify all these important questions.

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