Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Lunatic Fringe Outreach

A rumor has emerged that the Sikh shooter may have accidentally targeted the Sikhs when he meant to attack Muslims. This is a wonderful example of turning a mystery into a long-lasting story line. He has a 9-11 tattoo. Muslims were involved in 911. Many Muslims look different. Sikhs look different. Therefore this lunatic had a lunatic plan that we can now dissect with innocence--aside from the fact we are making it all up.

This is clearly a failure of the American educational system, a system recently casually described by a foreign observer in a speech as "one of the worst in the world." There may be an opportunity for the government to intervene. Expand the teacher base. Shovel ready classrooms. Education stimulus. Perhaps an educational program to educate wackos to keep their bigotries straight. For the sake of fairness.

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