Monday, August 20, 2012

Self Inflicted Perceptions

One wonders at the causes of malaise in a culture and the cures.

The S&P 500 has been up 74% since the day President Obama was inaugurated in 2009 and 12% so far in 2012.

While the stock averages are not necessarily reflective of the economy they are not isolated from it. More, some people are completely dependent upon it, either directly or indirectly. Yet the news media has discussed the markets rarely. The conservative outlets, especially FOX, have been quite mute about it. But it is especially interesting how quiet the Left has been.

Perhaps Obama has painted himself into such an anti-capital, anti-rich guy corner that he does not want to take credit for stock market improvement because the stock market is popularly associated with capital, wealth and the bad guys of Wall Street. That makes him less dependent upon objective measurements and more vulnerable to the subjective.

Strangely, that used to be his strength.

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