Monday, August 13, 2012

Ryan's Ripple Effect to Biden

Right now thousands of so-called journalists and political party operatives are combing through Ryan's high school transcripts and childhood associates looking for something to smear him with. But there are real and immediate problems for the Democrats. Ryan does raise the bar for the two presidential candidates as he is a man with serious and public concerns about the nation that transcend his own ambition. He is both earnest and able which, of course, raises the real and immediate question: What about Biden? He is neither earnest nor able. Does Obama dump him? Can Obama allow Ryan to force his hand? But Biden will have to debate Ryan; who can imagine that?

 Replacing a guy with two craniotomies who is a heartbeat away should be easy enough but he was picked for his labor connections and his inoffensiveness. The Democrats are such a crazy quilt of extremities and loyalties replacing him might be dangerous. Worse, whom do you chose?

Imagine, for example, replacing Biden with Pelosi. Or Hillary.

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