Saturday, June 15, 2024

Chaos in the Upper Level

The longest day must have its close -- the gloomiest night will wear on to a morning. An eternal, inexorable lapse of moments is ever hurrying the day of the evil to an eternal night, and the night of the just to an eternal day. -Harriet Beecher Stowe, abolitionist and novelist (14 Jun 1811-1896)


A report from the Allegheny County Health Department shows Mia Pizza, on the 499 block of Baum Boulevard in Bloomfield was hit with 10 violations.


Sports/social/ philosophy update: Bill Belichick is dating 24-year-old former competitive cheerleader, Jordon Hudson, according to TMZ.

Sources close to the situation say the two have been romantically involved for a while now -- shortly after the ex-New England Patriots head coach called off his longtime relationship with Linda Holliday. Hudson -- an entrepreneur and philosopher -- has even begun helping Belichick with his business endeavors.


Chaos in the Upper Level

This is quite a story with a surprising public explanation.

Secret Service officials will give a bipartisan briefing to Congress to answer questions about training and recruiting issues regarding an agent on Vice President Kamala Harris’s protective detail who attacked her supervisor.

"It was recently reported that a Secret Service agent, tasked with protecting Vice President Kamala Harris, physically attacked her superior (and the commanding agent in charge) and other agents trying to subdue her while on duty at Joint Base Andrews and assigned to the Vice President’s protective detail," Comer wrote to Cheatle.

The Secret Service has confirmed in other media accounts the altercation occurred at about 9 a.m. on April 22 at Joint Base Andrews in Prince George's County, Maryland. The agent, who was ultimately escorted away in handcuffs, has been removed from the vice president’s detail. The Secret Service has described the incident as a "medical matter."

According to a Bloomberg reporter, there may have been other incidents, according to a petition circulated within the agency by Secret Service personnel seeking a congressional investigation. The agents asserted problems with inadequate training and a double standard in disciplinary actions.

"This incident raised concerns within the agency about the hiring and screening process for this agent: specifically, whether previous incidents in her work history were overlooked during the hiring process as years of staff shortages had led the agency to lower once stricter standards as part of a diversity, equity, and inclusion effort," Comer’s letter to Cheatle continues.

This situation, if true, raises the ever-present question of standards and whether such criteria are related to outcomes.

 (nb: Jerry pointed out TMZ is an entertainment tabloid--I didn't know. I came across the story on the internet. I went back and found the story reported on NBC and the NY post.)

1 comment:

Custer said...

Where Are you Hiding Kamala ?