Friday, May 31, 2024


Pa. Gov. Shapiro is beginning to appear in those self-congratulatory state government ads. It is noticeable. Why would that be?



The Trump decision is in. While it was not a surprise, it was--and will be--an earthquake. A political party is willing to manipulate and distort the judicial process for its own benefit despite the damage it does to the nation. This is more than simple incompetence. Or the result of fear like the Japanese internment. The questions were not beyond the poor citizens like the Simpson case. This case was a refined assault upon a citizen and political opponent by a cynical, ambitious political opponent.

The country looks ludicrous in the world but such a criticism alone is shortsighted. The basics of this country have always been assumed. The safety of the individual in the face of hereditary or simply grasping ambition has made this nation a beacon of hope in the corrupt, vicious world. Now that certainty has been undermined. Shamelessly.

America is no longer trustworthy. To her legal core.

Is that important? Ask Israel. Ask Ukraine. Ask Social Security recipients. This takes the Bork political outrage and makes it part of our national heritage.

It is said that this distortion will be overturned. Probably. But overturning this depends upon the integrity of the people in the government system. And those people have clearly been shown to be corruptable.

Which makes the very idea of this country much more fragile and vulnerable than any of us thought.

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