Saturday, May 25, 2024



In 2014, the academic journal Electoral Studies published a study by three scholars who estimated how frequently non-citizens were illegally voting. Based on data from the 2008 presidential and congressional elections, the study found that:
-“roughly one-quarter of non-citizens” in the U.S. “were likely registered to vote.”
-“6.4% of non-citizens actually voted.”
-81.8% of them “reported voting for Barack Obama.”
-Illegal votes cast by non-citizens “likely” changed “important election outcomes” in favor of Democrats, “including Electoral College votes” and a “pivotal” U.S. Senate race that enabled Democrats to pass Obamacare.

The study’s voter registration rate was estimated with data from two key sources:
A national survey in which 14.8% of non-citizens admitted that they were registered to vote.
A database of registered voters reveals what portion of the surveyed non-citizens “were in fact registered” even though “they claimed not to be registered.”

By combining these data, the author’s “best” estimate was that 25.1% of non-citizens were illegally registered to vote.

Bear in mind, much of this data is indirect.


The New York Times recently wrote that “America is the richest country” in the OECD, “but we’re also the poorest, with a whopping 18% poverty rate—closer to Mexico than Western Europe.”

But that 'poverty' comparison is a comparison within the U.S. itself.

After accounting for all income, charity, and non-cash welfare benefits like subsidized housing and Food Stamps—the poorest 20% of Americans consume more goods and services than the national averages for all people in most affluent countries. This includes the majority of countries in the prestigious Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), including its European members. In other words, if the U.S. “poor” were a nation, it would be one of the world’s richest.


The United States is the largest financial contributor to the United Nations. According to UN data, the U.S. contributed a total of $9.7 billion ($9,718,025,938) to the United Nations in 2016.

That is 20% of the U.N. budget.


In 2011, Palestine applied for full membership in the United Nations. The Security Council’s membership committee was “unable to make a unanimous recommendation” regarding the application. 

In 2011, the Obama administration threatened to veto any Security Council resolution recommending Palestinian membership.

As of 2019, Palestine was formally recognized by 137 countries.


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