Saturday, May 4, 2024

Sat Stats

An officer inside Columbia University’s Hamilton Hall Tuesday evening to break up a Pro-Palestinian demonstration fired his gun.


Barack Obama did in fact lie when he claimed that his health-care program would not provide benefits to illegal immigrants.

A “fact sheet” from the White House estimates that 100,000 illegal immigrants will receive benefits through the program. It explains, “Starting in November, DACA recipients can apply for coverage through and state-based marketplaces, where they may qualify for financial assistance to help them purchase quality health insurance.”


Justice Department civil rights chief Kristen Clarke admitted that she lied during her 2021 Senate confirmation process. Asked by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) in a questionnaire if she had “ever been arrested for or accused of committing a violent crime against any person,” Clarke answered no. She was arrested for attacking her husband with a knife in 2006.
The DOJ civil rights chief.


US President Joe Biden has called Japan and India "xenophobic", grouping them together with Russia and China as countries that "don't want immigrants". The White House says that Mr Biden meant no offense to either country.


Sat Stats

Women now author the majority of books published, according to an NBER study.

Also favored are minority and indigenous writers.


88% of Biden voters think that police are more likely to use lethal force when arresting black people than white people. In reality, police are 42% less likely to use lethal force when arresting blacks than whites.


In 2018, only 27% of adults in poverty were in the labor force for at least half of the year. This includes part-time workers and those who were simply looking for work. The minimum wage has a negligible impact on this population


Roughly 53% of all murder victims in the U.S. are black, even though black people comprise about 13% of the U.S. population.
Contrary to the media’s focus on interracial violence, roughly 11% of all murders in the U.S. are interracial. The other 89% involve people of the same races killing one another.

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