Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Eliminating the Middle Man


Could our personalized AI companions of the future be subpoenaed to testify against us in court?--Altman


The (London) Times reports "Nervous drivers pay to be whisked across America’s scariest bridge." 10-30 clients daily, each paying $40 per trip to cross a Maryland bridge.


Eliminating the Middle Man

Ciudad Juárez’ International Airport has become the main turf fought over by the Sinaloa and the Juarez cartel for being where thousands of migrants arrive every day in hopes of making it across the border into Texas.

But above both criminal organizations is a new cartel: the Mexican Institute of Immigration (INM for its Spanish acronym). The top immigration authority in Mexico is now operating as its own criminal entity extorting, kidnapping and smuggling migrants all across the country.

Although the two main cartels in Juárez are still fighting each other to get full control of the juicy business of human smuggling, the INM is making bigger bucks by selling immigration permits to foreigners to be able to freely travel through Mexico, an advantage Mexican officials have over criminal organizations.

Each permit, according to sources who have acquired one, is being sold for up to 50,000 Mexican pesos, roughly $2,000. Without one of these, migrants are stuck at the Mexican southern border for months and end up having to pay sometimes more as a bribe to the same INM officials to let them out of Mexican southern border towns like Tapachula.

INM officials offer to get them in touch with a human smuggler right outside the airport, for a few extra thousands of pesos. The INM officials are making a circular business by asking migrants for cash in exchange for a “plug” and asking cartels a fee to hand over business to them. --Saga

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