Thursday, May 16, 2024

Sacrifice Inequality

Trump has a long-standing relationship with Vince McMahon and the WWE. He has been involved with the company for more than three decades. His involvement includes multiple appearances at WWE events, including as a guest ring announcer, on-screen talent, and even as the "owner" of WWE's flagship show, "WWE Raw." In 2013 he was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.


SpaceX plans to launch 90 rockets into space from a Santa Barbara County military base by 2026.


The world’s big banks have handed nearly $7tn (£5.6tn) in funding to the fossil fuel industry since the Paris agreement to limit carbon emissions.


Sacrifice Inequality

The -50% for "other countries" is, of course, an error. It should be +50%. But there are a lot of errors to share space with. Certainly, the efforts to qualify 'climate change' in a culture that has obvious disdain for rigorous science investigations and has spent months withdrawing studies and reports, bankrupting some journals, and undermining the very notions of science and integrity have damaged such a movement. And the grafting of 'climate change' onto other radical world movements has raised serious questions.

And there is the practical. A 100% tariff on Chinese electric vehicles, announced Tuesday, will make American EV cars more competitive--but at a much higher price. 

As the graph shows, some will sacrifice for the perceived greater global good, and some will not. And the Americans will be doing the sacrificing.

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