Saturday, May 18, 2024

SatStats/Modern Crime

Many developing nations never shared the Western elite’s obsession with reducing emissions. Life for most people on earth is still a battle against poverty, hunger, and disease. Corruption, lack of jobs, and poor education hamper their futures. Tackling global temperatures a century out has never ranked high among the priorities of developing countries’ voters—and without their cooperation, the project is doomed.--lomborg


The Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) health authorities recently reported that KP.2, the dominant COVID-19 strain currently spreading around the world, has been mutating in China.


Over 80 percent of NBA 3s involve an assist. Typical 3-pointers are catch-and-shoot attempts that punctuate playmaking sequences that occur far away from the actual shot location, and that’s where James comes in. James is the NBA’s all-time leader in assisted 3s. He may never surpass John Stockton for total assists, but James has had his hand in more 3s than anyone else, period. He’s assisted on more 3s than Curry has made, and he’s had an outsized impact as a producer of corner 3. As a playmaker, James has extended what [Bruce] Bowen and the Spurs began.

…Six of the 10 most prolific corner-3 shooters of all time have been assisted by James, and that’s no coincidence.

…On the list of the NBA’s greatest scorers ever, James is the best playmaker, and it’s not close.
--- Goldsberry


SatStats/Modern Crime

Nyib Bukele, the 43rd president of El Salvador, is solving El Salvador's crime problem.

Bukele’s “iron fist” approach won’t work in the long term, columnist Eduardo Porter argued in The Washington Post. He has repeatedly come under fire from human rights groups who say El Salvador is depriving detainees of their civil rights, pointing to high numbers of deaths behind bars. Porter said the country will eventually have to grapple with what to do with 100,000 people imprisoned, who make up 1.6% of the country’s population and are mostly young men. “The challenge is to come up with viable alternatives that do not require giving up civil liberties, accountability, and justice,” Porter wrote.

But the crime problem in the Americas is bad. And safety usually trumps liberty.

Intentional Homicide Rate per 100,000 people

El Salvador: 7.8

Honduras: 35.1 = WOW!

Venezuela = 19.3

Brazil = 21.3

Colombia = 25.4

Mexico = 26.1

US of A = 6.4

So the US is beating all of those countries. However, if you want to look at developed, industrialized countries with Gun control, compare to

United Kingdom = 1.0

Canada = 2.3

France = 1.1

Italy = 0.5

Homicides in El Salvador[16]
YearPer 100k inhabitantsTotal

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