Thursday, May 30, 2024

Notes and Notable 7

Pittsburgh Skilled Nursing and Rehabilitation Center on South Negley Avenue notified residents and staff that they will close on Aug. 12.
In a letter to patients, residents, and responsible parties, the center said “Recent inflation in the cost of goods and wages, combined with millions of dollars owed to us from the local Medicaid office, operating the building is no longer financially sustainable.”


Notes and Notable 7

The instructions to the jury in the Trump case included that the jurors need not agree on the basic charges to find Trump guilty.


Goldman Sachs estimates that U.S. private investment in AI will total $82 billion next year—more than twice as much as in China. Big tech was late to catch the AI wave. But businesses of all sizes are now using AI to develop medical treatments, improve productivity and logistics, assist customers, and more.


The great body of economic and political literature since World War II – both academic and popular – has presented a misleading picture of the performance of private enterprise and of the State in the economies of the free world. This literature exaggerates the defects of the one and the merits of the other. Freedom will remain in jeopardy unless the public gains a clearer picture of the workings of the free market and comes to realize that its greatest virtue is not its extraordinary capacity to produce widely diffused material benefits, important as this merit is, but its unique capacity to protect the great immaterial values of our Western Heritage.--Haberler


According to new research from economists at the University of Oregon and the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland, new low-skilled immigrants to the US are a net fiscal plus — each adding an estimated $750 a year to government coffers at the federal, state, and local levels. And their contribution to the entire economy is likely larger still.

These new measures do not deny the standard assessments of the potential fiscal costs of immigrants. Rather, they consider an additional positive factor: namely, that low-skilled immigrants enable native workers to move into higher-wage jobs, and in some cases to work more hours.

Strangely, any of the complex downsides of the cultural and legal disruptions are ignored.


A curiosity in the N.Y. Trump case is the apparent unawareness by the prosecution and the co-conspirator judge that this case will likely tarnish those involved forever in history. One would think they would be devoting all their time to figuring out how to rescue themselves.


O'Leary was on television talking about the Trump trial. He was in Europe selling his data collection idea and he said this trial was murdering the "American brand." These people are transients, he said, the American idea is not.
O'Leary says the first thing that Biden should do when Trump is convicted is magnanimously pardon him.


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