Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Notes and Notable 5


Notes and Notable 5

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken made an unannounced visit to Kyiv on Tuesday to show support for Ukraine amid the ongoing war.

During his trip, Blinken rocked out on stage at a local bar with a band from Kyiv.

“I know this is a really, really difficult time. Your soldiers, your citizens, particularly in the northeast in Kharkiv, are suffering tremendously,” Blinken said on stage. “They need to know, you need to know, the United States is with you, so much of the world is with you and they’re fighting, not just for Ukraine, but for the free world.”

Blinken then performed “Rockin’ in the Free World” by Neil Young, strumming along on the electric guitar and even singing the chorus.--Connel


Of the richest 10 congressional districts in the country, all are represented by Democrats.


Future historians, if there are any, will be dumbfounded. Today, uncountable dollars and unquantifiable hysteria are devoted to the distant threat of climate change milder than some changes Earth has experienced. A recent peer-reviewed study of scientific estimates concludes that the average annual cost of what the excitable U.N. secretary-general calls “global boiling” might reach 2 percent of global gross domestic product by 2100. Meanwhile, negligible public anxiety accompanies the intensifying danger of global incineration from nuclear war.--will


"My dissertation is on fantasies of limitless energy in the transatlantic Romantic imagination from 1760-1860. My goal is to write a prehistory of metabolic rift, Marx’s term for the disruption of energy circuits caused by industrialization under capitalism. I am particularly interested in theories of the imagination and poetry as interpreted through a Marxian lens in order to update and propose an alternative to historicist ideological critiques of the Romantic imagination. Prior to joining Columbia, I worked as a political strategist for leftist and progressive causes and remain active in the higher education labor movement."--from the bio page of Columbia demonstrator Johannah King-Slutzky, Ph.D. candidate in the English and Comparative Literature Department at Columbia.

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